The action instituted by the Quaker Peace Centre concentrates on the biggest of the arms deals, that with BAe. It is intended to set a precedent. In terms of this deal, Hawk and Gripen fighter jets were acquired at a cost of R35 billion [at 2015 currency exchange rates, including interest accrued and with provision for fluctuations in the value of the currency]. The BAe deal is not only the biggest but also the most discussed in the books and documents generated in the wake of the arms deals. Gripen fighter jets are manufactured in Sweden, however, in this instance BAe procured them for SA. The BAe transaction is assailed both because it is tainted by corruption and also because it is invalid for want of compliance with tender criteria laid down in the Constitution and because the loan taken to pay BAe was unauthorised.
Particulars of Claim against the SA Government and Armscor
I think this an awesome move in terms of getting to the core of this corrupt deal saving the taxpayers huge amounts of money that will fill the pockets of these corrupt government officials. Well done and may the powers be with you.
Hi Paul my case has been going in for 5 years and I was found not guilty and then a year later found guilty for the same set charges and eventually settled did nothing wrong …Why did they destroy me ..pls help 083-4135445