Section 35 of the Bill of Rights sets out that the rights of those who have been arrested, detained and/or accused and the person in this situation has the right to have all information provided to him/her in a language that he/she understands. Any evidence obtained...
#KnowYour27Rights #26 Section 34: ACCESS TO THE COURTS
Everyone has the right to have disputes resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing in a court or another independent and impartial forum.
#KnowYour27Rights #25 Section 33: JUST ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION
All administrative action must be lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair and if an individual feels his/her rights have been adversely affected by administrative action of some kind they have the right to be given written reasons for such.
#KnowYour27Rights #24 Section 32: ACCESS TO INFORMATION
Everyone has the right to access information whether held by the state or another individual, provided such information is required for the exercising of protection of a (any) right.
Nobody can be denied the right to enjoy their culture, practice their religion and/or use their language.
#KnowYour27Rights #22 Section 30: LANGUAGE AND CULTURE
People are free to use the language of choice and participate in a cultural life of their choice, provided that such choice is not inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution.
#KnowYour27Rights #21 Section 29: The fifth of five basic rights: “Everyone has the right to basic education. . .”
Everyone has the right to basic education, adult and child alike, in the language of their choice in public educational institutions. Considerations of reasonable practicability play a role in the implementation of language rights in education. This right, set our...
#KnowYour27Rights #20 Section 28: CHILDREN
The rights of children are especially acknowledged in the Bill of Rights and every child has the right to family or parental care, basic nutrition, shelter, basic health care services and social services. The best interests of the child are of paramount importance in...
#KnowYour27Rights #19 Section 27: The fourth of five basic rights: “Everyone has the right to healthcare services. . .”
HEALTH CARE, FOOD, WATER AND SOCIAL SECURITY Everyone has the right to health care services, for all their health care needs including reproduction. The citizens of South Africa also have a right to sufficient food and water, along with social security if they are...
#KnowYour27Rights #18 Section 26: HOUSING
Everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing and it is the duty of the state to achieve progressive realisation of this right.
#KnowYour27Rights #17 Section 25: PROPERTY
No one may be deprived of property except in terms of a law of general application and no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property. This means that expropriation without compensation is not allowed, as has occurred in other countries in Africa, such as...
#KnowYour27Rights #16 Section 24: ENVIRONMENT
The right to an environment that is not harmful to the health and well being of everyone is an important one in these times of global climate change and over-population of the planet. The Bill of Rights seeks to balance conservation with securing ecologically...
#KnowYour27Rights #15 Section 23: LABOUR RELATIONS
Unfair labour practices are forbidden and the labour laws of South Africa set out various rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees in ensuring that fairness and equality are present in the workplace.
All citizens have the right to choose their trade, occupation or profession freely within the law regulating the workplace.
#KnowYour27Rights #13 Section 21: FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT AND RESIDENCE
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence.