Rest In Peace Our Beloved First Patron Archbishop Desmond Tutu

by | Jan 11, 2022 | General | 0 comments

Saying Goodbye To A Giant In South African Hearts
Sunday 26 December 2021 marked the passing of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Mpilo Tutu, one of the true founding fathers of the post-1994 South Africa, an incredible international leader, 1984 Noble Peace Prize Winner, and the beloved patron of Accountability Now.

The Arch taught us all that – until we can forgive those who have harmed us, they will hold the keys to our happiness, they will be our jailers. When we forgive, we take back control of our own fate and our feelings… we forgive ourselves.

Among many things, the Arch (as he has come to be known) always spoke with great wisdom, and will  remain an icon for shared humanity, kindness, joy, and forgiveness throughout the world. His passing represented the close of a chapter that forms one of the cornerstones of our South African heritage.  May his legacy live on in each of us, always working towards greater healing among all.

Having celebrated his 90th birthday on the 7th of October this year, the Arch enjoyed a rich and vibrant life. Here is the little piece we are honoured to be able to share with you…

After accepting to be our patron in 2012, Archbishop Tutu graciously joined us for a photoshoot on the St. George Cathedral steps. His ashes now rest in the cathedral, along with memories of beautiful sermons and much loved morning Eucharist gatherings, in which many from all over the world joined and were always warmly invited to personally introduce themselves.

Thank you to photographer Lee Slabber for capturing this cherished moment with the Arch.

In 2011 The Arch accepted the invitation to be our guest speaker at a fundraising dinner, hosted in the Foodbarn, Noordhoek, Cape Town. A wonderful evening filled with laughter and warmth, as the Arch was known for inspiring wherever he went.

Our longstanding relationship with the Arch began when the leadership members and supporters of Accountability Now joined together during Friday morning Eucharist gatherings at St. George’s, enjoying breakfast with him after service.  

After our dinner the Arch naturally took conscious time in thanking all the staff for the evening. A special memory to all who were there.
  “We are made for goodness. We are made for love. We are made for friendliness. We are made for togetherness. We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We all belong to this family, this human family, God’s family.”
 Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Over-and-above being our patron, in 2016 the Arch wished to accompany us to parliament when we made oral submissions in support of a constitutional amendment to reform the criminal justice administration. The aim remains to include the amendment so as to enable more effective and efficient means by which to counter corruption. He was advised to stay away for fear of being mobbed by the media, but it remains significant to us, to have had his active support in our current efforts to combat corruption within South Africa.

We were blessed to have had this opportunity to walk alongside the Arch, and remain committed to the vision of a more unified South Africa overall.

In these times of gentle mourning, we are warmed to be able to share that there will be a permanent exhibition of his life’s work at the Demond and Leah Legacy Foundation in Cape Town’s Old Granary Building.

May this space become a sanctuary for our reflections, contemplations, and reconciliations moving forward.

RIP Arch; you will always be loved by many.
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