Pledge by the Members of the Public Administration of South Africa

by | Oct 1, 2017 | General | 1 comment

We, the public administration staff of the Republic of South Africa, including employees of state owned enterprises, proudly pledge to the nation and to all who inhabit and visit our Republic that:

  1. We will promote and maintain the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in all we do in our official capacity, with ubuntu and bato pele as our ever present watchwords. [ C 195 read with policy and the spirit of the Constitution (C)]
  2. We will strive without end for the most efficient, economical and effective use of resources, including human resources, in our places of work. [C195]
  3. We will at all times remain development oriented in our work in the public administration. [C 195]
  4. We will act impartially, fairly, equitably and without bias in our provision of services to the people in South Africa, forever showing responsiveness to their needs as communicated to us through the public participation processes in place. [C 195 read with C 33]
  5. We will act accountably, by always explaining our actions reasonably and by justifying our decisions properly. [C 195 and C 1]
  6. We will, within the limits of the law, provide the public with timely, accessible and accurate information in the interests of transparency in all we do. [C 195 read with C 1 and C 32]
  7. We will cultivate good human resource management and career development practices so that human potential is maximised, on the basis that the public administration remains broadly representative of the South African people. [ C 195]
  8. We will respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights guaranteed to all in the Bill of Rights. [C 7(2)]
  9. We will at all times uphold the foundational values of the Republic as they apply to human dignity, equality and freedom; the advancement of non-racialism and non-sexism; the supremacy of the Constitution and the rule of law; responsiveness to peoples’ needs and openness in the public administration. [ C 1]
  10. We will, in our loyal execution of the lawful policies of the government of the day, be forever vigilant to ensure that we act in a manner consistent with the Constitution, its values, tenets and principles. [ C 197 read with C 2] We will, in particular, procure goods and services in accordance with a system that is fair, equitable, competitive, transparent and cost-effective [ C 217 ] and perform our obligations diligently and without delay [ C 237 ]

In offering this pledge, we affirm our belief that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity. We further affirm that we are working ceaselessly to build our multi-party, democratic and open society in accordance with the rule of law, so as to reflect the resolve of the nation to live in peace and harmony, to be free from fear and want and to seek a better life, thus earning its rightful place for South Africa in the family of nations. [Preamble to the Constitution (C) read with C 1 and C 198]



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1 Comment

  1. Patrick Dowling

    Are public servants required to sign this? All of them? Who checks to see if they are abiding by their pledge?


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