Rise Mzansi’s anti-corruption stance is exactly what is now needed in the country
The launch of a new political party, Rise Mzansi, led by a former editor of your esteemed publication, before the 2024 elections qualifies for favourable comment (“Former editor Songezo Zibi launches Rise Mzansi”, April 19).
Like manna from heaven the new party arrives officially in the same week as former finance minister Trevor Manuel is reported to have sagely remarked that: “There can be no doubt that SA’s rampant corruption, unchecked crime and alarming descent into lawlessness [have] been exacerbated by a lack of strong leadership and political will. I believe it is an appropriate time to make the call for administrative clarity on how the many governance crises that beset SA will best be addressed.” (“Trevor Manuel issues sharp rebuke to SA’s ‘weak’ leadership”, April 17).
Unlike some of the other opposition formations that are lining up to throw their hats in the ring for 2024, Rise Mzansi is unequivocal about its attitude to corruption, a stance that will win it much support and possibly many votes.
Addressing the inability of the criminal justice administration to deal with serious corruption is, and ought to be seen to be, the primary issue in the upcoming elections. It is to be hoped that Rise Mzansi, and indeed all political parties that are serious about countering the corrupt, will get behind the establishment of a new chapter 9 institution to prevent, combat, investigate and prosecute serious corruption.
Old hands like the DA and IFP already support the advocacy of this idea, which has been punted for years by Accountability Now with unrelenting vigour. All who regard corruption as a primary problem in SA should be seen to support the notion, which requires a two-thirds majority in parliament to become law. Voters should turn their backs on any parties that do not endorse the reform necessary.
Paul Hoffman
Accountability Now