The Hawks are too puny and our prosecutors have been emasculated by state capture
The inability of parliament to exercise oversight of the executive and ensure proper implementation of the laws it passes in a way that counters the corrupt has been criticised by the chief justice (“Parliament says Zondo’s state capture comments ‘inappropriate’”, June 22).
The party list system, which has turned parliament into a rubber stamp of the executive, contributes to the malaise. The truth is that parliamentarians are not, and are not meant to be, the necessary law enforcement agency. What is actually needed urgently is an entity comprising “Super Scorpions”, clothed with the attributes required by the Constitutional Court in the Glenister litigation.
SA has been without proper corruption-busting capacity since the demise of the Scorpions in 2009. The Hawks are too puny for the job and our prosecutors are emasculated by state capture.
What should be established by parliament is an all-new chapter 9 body properly equipped and capacitated to prevent, combat, investigate and prosecute serious corruption cases without executive interference and in a manner that demonstrates an ability to act without fear, favour or prejudice.
Paul Hoffman
Accountability Now